When you are going to buy a Smartphone, many questions are raised on your mind. Like: which processor should be better quardcore or octacore, how much ram should it have, resolution of the camera, internal memory and expandable memory storage, wireless connectivity, mobile connectivity, bluetooth etc. In this article I am going to give you a brief overview of Smartphone Processor- the core component of a Smartphone device. The Processor determines how quickly or efficiently it can work on a mobile device. But, what is the factor that makes one processor better than the other? This is SOC ( Syetem-On-a-Chip ) that have several components. This chip include Central Processing Unit (CPU), a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), an LTE modem, multimedia processor, security and a signal processor. This typical features that makes it difficult about the fastest Smartphone Processor. Below diagram shows a typical Snapdragon Processor Diagram that can give you a brief idea of a Smartphone Process...