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Home Networking

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Today, is world of Information Technology and most of us are connected online throughout to exchange our information worldwide. Technology is so advanced today that within a second, we can access or retrieve desired information globally. So, here I am going to give you a basic idea of Networking. Now what is a Network in Computer terminology? Well, A Network is a collection of computer devices that are allowed to share information of data via Data link. These connections of nodes can be established via cable media or via wireless connection. Above diagram shows a basic setup of a home network. We can also say that it a LAN (Local Area Network) setup. In this diagram, multiple computers such as desktop, laptop, smartphone, gaming console and tab devices are connected electronically (wired/ wireless) via router. A router is a networking device that forward data packets (segmentation of info in the form of packets) among computer devices. Sharing of information among computers depends on various factors, such as Internet Service Provider data plan, speed of the router in gigabit, network cable like ethernet or coaxial cable, wireless receiver and computer configuration. Exchange of information is quite effective, when multiple device is working on the same time to access data from Internet (via Router).


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